The new science and culinary arts classroom building was an important addition to the Rio Vista High School campus. Previously, the culinary arts classroom was located in an old portable building that was too small to accommodate the number of students interested in the popular CTE elective. Additionally, it lacked the commercial kitchen equipment necessary to meet the program’s goals. The new culinary arts classroom is designed to support both a commercial culinary arts program and a home economics class, featuring eight residential kitchens.
The science classroom had been housed in a temporary space that was not designed for the science program and needed a more suitable location. The new science classroom includes eight peninsula lab stations, pull-down power cords, a fume hood, and an open area in the center of the room for lectures.
Location: Rio Vista, CA
Size: 3,530 sf
Owner: River Delta Unified School District
The new science and culinary arts classroom building was an important addition to the Rio Vista High School campus. Previously, the culinary arts classroom was located in an old portable building that was too small to accommodate the number of students interested in the popular CTE elective. Additionally, it lacked the commercial kitchen equipment necessary to meet the program’s goals. The new culinary arts classroom is designed to support both a commercial culinary arts program and a home economics class, featuring eight residential kitchens.
The science classroom had been housed in a temporary space that was not designed for the science program and needed a more suitable location. The new science classroom includes eight peninsula lab stations, pull-down power cords, a fume hood, and an open area in the center of the room for lectures.
Rio Vista, CA
Size: 3,530 sf
Owner: River Delta Unified School District